Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware
Issue 7 November 2003
4. After logging on for the first time, change the administrator password and, if
desired, the user name, to ensure security. See your Windows NT server
documentation for details.
A-Law versus Mu-Law.
For systems using A-Law companding, an additional
procedure is necessary.
On the SAT:
1. Busyout the trunk group associated with the IP trunk by typing busyout
board UUCSS and pressing
In the Windows interface to TN802B:
1. Click on Control Panel > Services.
2. Highlight IP Trunk Service, then click on Stop.
3. In the lower left-hand corner, right-click Start > Explore.
4. Go to the c: drive and click on its, then bin.
5. Double-click on the its.ini file to open it in Notepad.
6. Under the [MediaLib] section, go to COMPANDING=MLAW. Change
7. Click on File > Save to save the file.
8. Click on File > Exit to exit Notepad.
9. Click on Control Panel > Services.
10. Highlight IP Trunk Service, then click on Start.
Do not select Startup.
After service has started, go to the SAT:
1. Release the trunk group associated with the IP trunk by typing release
board UUCSS and pressing
Assign Server and Domain Names.
The Windows NT server identifies servers
using a server name plus a domain name that locates the named server in a
particular part of the network. The TN802B IP Interface is shipped with generic
server and domain names. Assign replacement names that are meaningful within
your network.
1. Click on My Computer > Control Panel > Network.
2. Select the Identification tab, then click Change.
3. Type the new server name in the
Computer Name
4. Type the new domain name in the
field and click OK > OK >