MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
Feature Reference
Issue 1
June 1997
Page 212
Direct Station Selector: MLX
When an operator presses a DSS button for an extension number, the
extension label, if any, and the extension number show on the display
while it is dialed. When an operator presses the Inspct button and then a
Page button, the display shows
, the page number selected, and the
first extension number in the range. When and operator presses the
Inspct button and then the Message Status button, the display shows
Message Status
to indicate that the DSS is in Message Status operation.
When an operator presses a DSS button representing an extension
number after pressing the Inspct button, the display shows the extension
label, extension number, number of messages, and for Release 2.0 and
later systems, any posted messages.
Do Not Disturb
In Release 2.0 and later systems, an operator can use the Inspct button
to check the status of an extension whose red LED is on. If the user at the
extension is using Do Not Disturb, the Do Not Disturb message is also
posted and appears on the operator’s display. (However, the message
may also mean that the user has posted the message without turning on
the Do Not Disturb feature.)
Extension Status
A calling group, CMS supervisor, or an operator at a DLC with Extension
Status assigned can change the status of a group member or room by
pressing a programmed Available or Unavailable extension status button
and then pressing the DSS button for the group member or room.
Forward and
Follow Me
Activate Forwarding by pressing a programmed button or using a feature
code and then pressing a DSS button for the extension where calls
should go. Activate Follow Me by dialing the feature code and then
pressing a DSS button for the sender’s extension number.
Group Calling
In releases prior to 5.0, The DSS button’s LED for a calling group
extension number indicates the status of calls in the calling group queue.
The LED is on when calls are at or above the programmed threshold and
off when the number is below the threshold.
In Release 5.0 and later systems, a DSS button used as a Calls-in-Queue
Alarm button only indicates two alarm threshold levels instead of the three
that a programmed inside Auto Dial button can display. A DSS either
flashes or lights steadily. The button is unlit when the number of calls in
the queue drops below Threshold 1. The LED lights steadily when the
number of calls in queue is greater than or equal to Threshold 3.
Otherwise, it flashes. If DSS buttons are used to monitor calling group
queue status, only two alarm thresholds should be set.
If one-touch Hold is programmed, only outside callers are automatically
put on hold when a DSS button for a user, calling group, or paging group
is pressed while another call is active. For an inside caller, pressing a
DSS button for a user sends a manual signal to the user’s extension;
pressing a DSS button for a calling group or paging group has no effect.