MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
Feature Reference
Issue 1
June 1997
Page 575
System Access/Intercom Buttons
cannot be made to single-line telephones, a call made on this button to a
single-line telephone is a ringing call, even if the single-line telephone has
a speakerphone.
Originate Only. Button is used only to make inside and outside calls. Calls
are not received on this button. Its purpose is to ensure that a user always
has a button available to make or transfer calls, establish conference calls,
answer call-waiting calls, or pick up parked calls. The button can be
programmed for either Ring or Voice operation for inside calls.
The default attribute for all SA buttons, including Shared SA buttons, after the
factory settings by telephone type is Ring. The factory setting for Automatic Line
Selection (ALS) is a sequence of SA buttons. Ringing for all types of SA buttons is
set by default to Immediate Ring and can be changed to Delay Ring or No Ring
‘‘Ringing Options’’ on page 533
Shared SA Buttons: Hybrid/PBX Mode
Each SA button (whether Ring, Voice, or Originate Only) assigned as a factory
setting or through centralized telephone programming is identified with a specific
extension. To allow two or more telephone users to join in each others’
conversations and answer each others’ calls, Shared SA (SSA) buttons can be
assigned. In a shared arrangement, the SA button identified with the extension is
(or primary) button. Up to 16 other multiline telephones can have
Shared SA buttons corresponding to the principal extension. A telephone can
have up to 27 SSA buttons for other extensions but can have only one SSA
button for a given principal extension. (One of the first 10 buttons must be an SA
The green LED next to a Shared SA button behaves in the same way as it does
on the principal extension. When the principal extension or any SSA button
corresponding to it is busy on a call, the LED is on at the principal extension and
at all Shared SA buttons for that extension. When a call arrives at the principal
extension, that extension rings and the LED at its SA button flashes. All
telephones with corresponding Shared SA buttons also ring, and the LED at the
Shared SA button flashes.
The telephone user at the principal extension can use Send Ring. This feature
overrides Delay Ring programmed for any telephones with SSA buttons for the
principal extension. When a call arrives for the principal extension while it is busy,
the telephones with the Shared SA buttons for that extension ring immediately.
When Do Not Disturb is turned on at the principal extension, calls do not ring at
that extension or at other telephones with Shared SA buttons for that extension.
The principal extension or an SSA button can be used to join a conversation in
progress. A maximum of three parties can participate in one call.