XC2200 Derivatives
System Units (Vol. 1 of 2)
Architectural Overview
User’s Manual
V2.1, 2008-08
ArchitectureX22, V1.1
Powerful Execution Units
The 16-bit Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
performs all standard (word) arithmetic
and logical operations. Additionally, for byte operations, signals are provided from bits 6
and 7 of the ALU result to set the condition flags correctly. Multiple precision arithmetic
is provided through a ‘CARRY-IN’ signal to the ALU from previously calculated portions
of the desired operation.
Most internal execution blocks have been optimized to perform operations on either 8-bit
or 16-bit quantities. Instructions have been provided as well to allow byte packing in
memory while providing sign extension of bytes for word wide arithmetic operations. The
internal bus structure also allows transfers of bytes or words to or from peripherals based
on the peripheral requirements.
A set of consistent flags is updated automatically in the PSW after each arithmetic,
logical, shift, or movement operation. These flags allow branching on specific conditions.
Support for both signed and unsigned arithmetic is provided through user-specifiable
branch tests. These flags are also preserved automatically by the CPU upon entry into
an interrupt or trap routine.
A 16-bit barrel shifter provides multiple bit shifts in a single cycle. Rotates and arithmetic
shifts are also supported.
The Multiply and Accumulate Unit (MAC)
performs extended arithmetic operations
such as 32-bit addition, 32-bit subtraction, and single-cycle 16-bit
16-bit multiplication.
The combined MAC operations (multiplication with cumulative addition/subtraction)
represent the major part of the DSP performance of the CPU.
The Address Data Unit (ADU)
contains two independent arithmetic units to generate,
calculate, and update addresses for data accesses. The ADU performs the following
major tasks:
• The Standard Address Unit supports linear arithmetic for the short, long, and indirect
addressing modes. It also supports data paging and stack handling.
• The DSP Address Generation Unit contains an additional set of address pointers and
offset registers which are used in conjunction with the CoXXX instructions only.
The CPU provides a lot of powerful addressing modes for word, byte, and bit data
accesses (short, long, indirect). The different addressing modes use different formats
and have different scopes.
Dedicated bit processing instructions provide efficient control and testing of peripherals
while enhancing data manipulation. These instructions provide direct access to two
operands in the bit-addressable space without requiring them to be moved into
temporary flags. Logical instructions allow the user to compare and modify a control bit
for a peripheral in one instruction. Multiple bit shift instructions (single cycle execution)
avoid long instruction streams of single bit shift operations. Bitfield instructions allow the
modification of multiple bits from one operand in a single instruction.