Reference Code
Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items
Failing Item
SPCN Licensed Internal Code is not valid.
The Licensed Internal Code in the primary node is not valid. The code will
be reloaded.
No action required. This reference code is logged for error analysis only.
SPCN VPD Damaged
The VPD record in the EEPROM has bad data.
Exchange the failing items for the node reporting the failure.
Battery Power Unit test was aborted.
The battery power unit test was aborted.
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
Addressed frame is not in SPCN configuration table.
The addressed frame is not in the SPCN configuration table.
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
Frame-to-Frame Communications Failure
The SPCN detected a BCC error on a transmission from another frame. The
transmission is attempted again.
No action required. This reference code is logged for error analysis only.
SPCN Communications Failure, unit to rack.
The frame detected a BCC error on a transmission from a secondary node
to the frame. The transmission is attempted again.
No action required. This reference code is logged for error analysis only.
SPCN Communications Failure, rack to unit.
A secondary node detected a BCC error on a transmission from the frame.
The transmission is attempted again.
No action required. This reference code is logged for error analysis only.
Unsupported Packet Size
The receiving node detected a packet exceeding 70 bytes. The frame can
also return this code if a secondary node returns more than 10 bytes to a
PAS command.
No action required. This reference code is logged for error analysis only.
Secondary SPCN node timeout.
A secondary SPCN node did not respond to a command. The command
was attempted again and failed.
No action required. This reference code is logged for error analysis only.
Frame Timeout
One or more frames did not respond to a command. The command is
attempted again.
No action required. This reference code is logged for error analysis only.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference