Reference Code
Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items
Failing Item
1110 to 1113
Failure of CEC power supply not identified by SPCN.
This reference code can be caused by something holding the system Power
On Reset (POR) line active.
Failure of CEC power supply not identified by SPCN.
This reference code can be caused by something holding the system Power
On Reset (POR) line active.
Service processor failure caused machine check interrupt.
Before exchanging the TWRCARD, remove the adapter cards from the
TWRCARD and perform an IPL. If the IPL completes successfully, one of
the adapter cards you removed is defective.
SPCN to CSP interface error.
An attempt to communicate between the SPCN and the CSP processor
CSP to VPD Collector interface error.
An attempt to communicate between the CSP and the VPD Collector failed.
Power on request failure
A power-on request was not completed successfully. A control
panel-detected power-on failure occurred.
Incorrect key used or the key is not completely inserted
The key inserted is not the correct key or is not completely inserted.
Remote power-on failure
An attempt was made to power on the system by a remote power-on
operation with the keylock mode on the control panel set to Secure or
Manual. To correct the problem, select Normal or Auto mode on the control
panel and perform the remote power-on operation again, if necessary.
Service processor power-on failure
An attempt was made to power on the system from the service processor
with Secure or Manual mode selected on the control panel. To correct the
problem, select Normal or Auto mode on the control panel and perform
the service processor power-on operation again, if necessary.
This reference code may occur if the service processor card was
exchanged and Manual mode was selected. Select Normal mode on the
control panel.
Manual power-on failure
An attempt was made to power on the system manually with Secure or
Auto mode selected on the control panel. To correct the problem, select
Manual or Normal mode on the control panel and manually power on the
system again.
SPCN - control panel interface error.
An attempt was made to power on the system from the SPCN with Secure
or Manual mode selected on the control panel. To correct the problem,
select Normal or Auto mode and attempt the remote power-on operation
again. If this does not correct the problem, exchange the failing items.
System Reference Codes