Reference Code
Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items
Failing Item
High Speed Link (HSL) loop status message.
An HSL loop has switched to its alternate path. This is an informational
SRC only.
Word 7 of the SRC contains the loop number in the leftmost 4 digits. The
loop number is in hexadecimal format. You must convert the hexadecimal
loop number into decimal format to recognize the loop number in HSM.
This SRC can be caused by a tower on the HSL loop powering off.
This SRC may also appear in the SAL with a B600 6982 or B600 6981
logged at approximately the same time. In that case the other SRC is
reporting a failure and this SRC is reporting that the alternate HSL path is
now being used. Service the other SRC if present.
B6xx (including A6xx)
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference