Reference Code
Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items
Failing Item
A problem occurred during the IPL of a secondary partition
The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in word 1
of the SRC. Read and understand the information about logical partitions.
See the
iSeries Service Functions
The primary partition’s IPL mode does not allow the secondary partition to
IPL in the mode the secondary partition attempted to IPL in. If the primary
partition is IPL’d in ’C’ mode then secondary partitions can only IPL in ’C’
mode. Other modes are not allowed.
IPL the primary partition in either ’A’ mode or ’B’. Then retry the IPL of
the secondary partition.
A problem occurred during the IPL of a secondary partition
The secondary partition identified in the xx field of the B2xx SRC could not
IPL at the Timed Power On setting because the IPL mode of the secondary
partition was not set to Automatic or Normal.
Go into the
Work With System Partitions
option of SST/DST and reset
the IPL mode to Normal/Automatic, then re-IPL the secondary.
A problem occurred during the IPL of a secondary partition
The guest partition identified in the xx field of the B2xx SRC could not IPL
because the Primary partition was not in a full paging environment.
IPL the Primary partition past the Storage Management full paging IPL
step. Re-IPL the guest partition.
A problem occurred during the IPL of a secondary partition
The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in word 1
of the SRC. No alternate (D-mode) IPL IOP was selected. The IPL will
attempt to continue, but there may not be enough information to find the
correct D-mode load source.
Read and understand the information about logical partitions. See the
iSeries Service Functions
Have the customer configure an alternate IPL IOP for the secondary
partition. Then retry the secondary partition IPL.
A problem occurred during the IPL of a secondary partition
The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in word 1
of the SRC. No default load source IOP was selected for an A/B-mode IPL.
The IPL will attempt to continue, but there may not be enough information
to find the correct load source.
Read and understand the information about logical partitions. See the
iSeries Service Functions
Have the customer configure a load source IOP for the secondary partition.
Then retry the secondary partition IPL.
A problem occurred during the IPL of a secondary partition
The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in word 1
of the SRC. Contact your next level of support.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference