director product manager user guide
Information and Error Messages
Cannot run
diagnostics on a
port that is not
Port diagnostics
cannot be performed
on a port card that is
not installed.
Run diagnostics only on a
port that is installed.
Cannot run
diagnostics on a
port card that is not
Port diagnostics
(loopback tests)
cannot be performed
on a port that does
not have a small form
factor (SFF) optical
transceiver installed.
Install a transceiver in the port
and perform diagnostics
Cannot run
diagnostics while a
device is logged-in
to the port.
Port diagnostics
(internal loopback
test) cannot be
performed on a port
while an attached
Fibre Channel device
is logged in.
Ensure the device is logged
out and perform diagnostics
Cannot save IPL
configuration while
active=saved is
The user cannot save
the IPL file while the
property is set.
The FICON management
server property, active=save,
must be disabled for HAFM to
save the IPL file.
Cannot save port
The port
configuration cannot
be saved at the
Product Manager
application because
the Ethernet link is
down or busy.
Retry the operation later. If
the condition persists, contact
the next level of support.
Cannot save SNMP
The director SNMP
configuration cannot
be saved at the
Product Manager
application because
the Ethernet link is
down or busy.
Retry the operation later. If
the condition persists, contact
the next level of support.
Table A–1: Product Manager Messages (Continued)
Message Description