director product manager user guide
Configuring the Director
Port Binding—Placing a check mark in the check boxes of this column enables
the binding state of the port.
Speed—Click the Speed column for a specific port, and choose 2 Gb/sec,
1 Gb/sec, or Negotiate. This sets the data rate for the port. Choosing Negotiate
allows the port to negotiate the data speed with an attached device. Follow this
rule when setting the data speed:
— Only set the speed to 2 Gb/sec on ports that support this speed. If the port
optics do not support 2 Gb/sec, a warning displays stating that the optical
transceiver in the port does not support the data rate.
— Do not set the port speed greater than the director speed. For example, if you
set the port speed to 2 Gb/sec and the director data speed is set to 1 Gb/sec, an
error displays stating that port speeds cannot be configured at higher data rates
than the director speed. The director speed is set through the Configure
Operating Parameters dialog box (Director 2/64 only).
When you change a port’s speed and click Activate on the dialog box, a
confirmation message displays stating that this setting will temporarily disrupt
port data transfers.
NOTE: Your director model, firmware, and port cards may not allow 2 Gb/sec data speeds.
Bound WWN—Enter the WWN or nickname of the device that is attached to the
If the check box in the Port Binding column is checked and a WWN is entered in
the Bound WWN field, only the specified device can attach to the port.
If the check box in the Port Binding column is checked but no WWN is entered in
the Bound WWN field, no device can connect to the port.
If the check box in the Port Binding column is not checked, any device can
connect to the port (provided that the port type matches and the check box in the
Blocked column is not checked). Any WWN or nickname entered in the Bound
WWN field is, however, stored.
When you click Activate, if the check box in the Port Binding column is checked
and the WWN or nickname in the Port Binding column does not match the device
actually connected to the port, the warning dialog box displays. If you click
Continue, the currently attached devices are logged off.