director product manager user guide
Configuring the Director
Figure 3–12: New Feature Key dialog box
4. Enter the director’s feature key in the Key field and click OK.
— Feature keys are only valid for a director with a specific serial number. They
cannot be interchanged between directors. If an error stating “Invalid serial
number” displays, verify that you have entered the feature key that was
assigned to the director. To verify, check the serial number of the director
through the Switch Properties dialog box and compare it to the serial number
listed in the documentation provided with your feature key.
— The feature key is a string of alphanumeric characters with dashes. The key is
case-sensitive, so enter the key exactly as printed in the documentation that
you received for the feature. If an error stating “Invalid feature key” displays,
verify that you have entered the feature key correctly.
The Enable Feature Key dialog box displays with a warning, stating that this
action will override the current set of features on the director. The list in the left
column of the dialog box is a list of features that are active on the director. The list
on the right is a set of features that come with the new feature key. All of the
features that are active are included in the new feature list.
5. Click Activate to activate the new feature key.
An IPL will occur, during which the Ethernet connection between the HAFM
server and director is momentarily interrupted.
NOTE: If you click Activate, all current features will be replaced with new features. That is,
if there are features shown in the current list that are not shown in the new list, then those
features will be removed from the director.
6. Set the director back online.
Choose Maintenance > Set Online State from the Product Manager
window. The Set Online State dialog box displays.
Click Set Online. A warning box displays asking you to confirm the online
Click OK.
7. When you are finished configuring the director, you can back up the configuration