director product manager user guide
Monitoring and Managing the Director
NOTE: A green indicator displays and no status symbols display if the power supply is
working, as shown on the left (position 1) in the illustration.
Cooling fan module failure indicator—When a blinking red and yellow
diamond ( ) displays on a fan module with the amber LED indicator illuminated,
the module has failed or is rotating insufficiently.
SBAR card beaconing indicator—The yellow triangle status symbol
( )
displaying on the SBAR card with the amber LED illuminated indicates that
beaconing has been enabled.
SBAR failure indicator—The blinking red and yellow diamond
( )
on the SBAR card with the amber LED illuminated indicates a card failure.
Obtaining Hardware Information
This section explains how to access the FRU Properties, Port Properties, and
Director Properties dialog boxes.
Displaying FRU Information
Double-click a CTP card, power supply, cooling fan module, or SBAR card in the
Hardware View to display a FRU Properties dialog box. This dialog box displays
the FRU name, slot position relative to identical FRUs installed in the chassis, active
or failed state, beaconing state (CTP card, fan module, SBAR card), part number, and
serial number. For the CTP’s card dialog box, the Speed Capability of the card
displays as either 1 Gb/sec or 2 Gb/sec.
Figure 2–3: FRU Properties dialog box
NOTE: You can display a Properties dialog box for all FRUs when you right-click on the FRU
and choose FRU Properties from the menu that displays.