director product manager user guide
Configuring the Director
Figure 3–2: Configure Switch Parameters dialog box
Ordinarily, you do not need to change values in this dialog box from their defaults.
The only exception is the Preferred Domain ID. Change this value if the director will
participate in a multiswitch fabric.
1. Use information under “
Switch Parameters
” to change settings as required for
parameters in this dialog box.
2. After you change settings, click the Activate button.
3. Set the director online. For instructions, see “
Setting Director Online State
” on
page 2–13
Switch Parameters
Configure the following parameters as required by your fabric.
Domain ID
The domain identification is a value between 1 and 31 that provides a unique
identification for the director in a fabric. A fabric director cannot contain the same
domain ID as another director or their E_Ports will segment when they try to join.
In the Configure Switch Parameters dialog box, a field is provided to enter a
preferred domain ID and a check box is provided to enable this ID as an insistent
domain ID.
NOTE: To change this value, you must first set the director offline. Choose Set Online State
from the Maintenance menu to display the Set Online State dialog box, then click Set Offline.
Be sure to set the director back online after you change this value.
Use this field to set the a unique domain ID for the director. The default value is 1. Set
a value between 1 and 31. When a director comes online with a preferred ID, it
requests an ID from the fabric’s principal director (indicating its preferred value as