director product manager user guide
Monitoring and Managing the Director
The following displays in this dialog box:
Director name, description, location, and contact configured through the
Configure Identification dialog box.
Fibre Channel World Wide Name (WWN) identifier for the director.
Product type number.
Product model number.
Product manufacturer.
Product serial number.
Engineering change (EC) level.
Firmware level.
Operating Mode. Open Systems or S/390 mode.
Preferred Domain ID. This is set using the Configure Switch Parameters dialog
Active Domain ID. The actual domain ID assigned to the director.
Director Speed (Director 2/64 only). This is set using the Configure Switch
Parameters dialog box and is either 1 Gb/sec or 2 Gb/sec.
NOTE: The director model and firmware may not support 2 Gb/sec data speeds.
Switch Binding. Enabled if the optional SANtegrity features are installed and
enabled, otherwise Disabled displays.
NOTE: You can also display the Director Properties dialog box when you right-click the
director illustration away from a FRU and choose Properties from the menu.
Using Menu Options
Right-click various parts of the Hardware View to display menu options for
displaying status and information and for controlling the director and its FRUs.
Director Menu
Right-click any area of the director illustration where a hardware component is not
installed to display the following menu options: