director product manager user guide
control processor (CTP) card
Circuit card that contains the director microprocessor. The CTP card also initializes hardware
components of the system after power-on. A 10 Mbps RJ-45 twisted pair connector is located
on the CTP card to connect to an Ethernet LAN and communicate with the HAFM server or a
specific management station.
control unit
A device that controls the reading, writing, or displaying of data at one or more input/output
control unit port
An internal director port on the CTP card that communicates with the attached IBM S/390 or
similar processor channels to report error conditions and link initialization.
See cyclic redundancy check.
CTP card
See control processor card.
cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
System of error checking performed at both the sending and receiving station using the value
of a particular character generated by a cyclic algorithm. When the values generated at each
station are identical, data integrity is confirmed.
Acronym for direct access storage device.
See Class 3 Fibre Channel service.
Pertaining to an attribute, value, or option that is assumed when none is explicitly specified.
default zone
Contains all attached devices that are not members of a separate zone.
destination identifier (D_ID)
Address identifier that indicates the targeted destination of a data frame.