UC-P100-S/UC-P110-S Phones for Skype for Business
Supplemental Guide – DOC. 8412A
Supported: ~ ` ! @ $ ^ ( ) _ - , . ' ; [ ]
{ } | < > : " (including space)
Supported: ~ ` ! @ $ ^ ( ) _ - , . ' ; [ ] { } |
< > : " % & = + (including space)
Not Supported: / \ * ? # % & = +
Not Supported: / \ * ? #
Set up a Provisioning Server
This section provides basic instructions for setting up a provisioning server and deploying
phones from the provisioning server.
Why Use a Provisioning Server?
A provisioning server can be used to configure the phones, and allows for flexibility in
upgrading, maintaining and configuration. Configuration files and resource files are
normally located on this server.
When phones are triggered to perform auto provisioning, the phone will request to
download the configuration files from the provisioning server. During the auto
provisioning process, the phone will download and update configuration files to the
phone’s flash memory. For more information on auto provisioning, refer to the UC-
PHONE Auto Provisioning Desk Phones for Microsoft® Teams® and Skype® for Business
Supplemental Guide (Doc. 8368) at www.crestron.com/manuals.
Supported Provisioning Protocols
Skype for Business phones perform the auto provisioning function of downloading
configuration files, downloading resource files and upgrading firmware. The transfer
protocol is used to download files from the provisioning server. Skype for Business
phones support several transport protocols for provisioning, including FTP, TFTP, HTTP,
and HTTPS protocols. The transport protocol can be specified in the provisioning server
address, for example, http://xxxxxxx. If not specified, the TFTP protocol is used. The
provisioning server address can be an IP address, domain name or URL. If a user name
and password are specified as part of the provisioning server address, for example,
http://user:pwd@server/dir, they will be used only if the server supports them.
A URL should contain forward slashes only and should not contain spaces. Escape
characters are not supported.
If a user name and password are not specified as part of the provisioning server
address, the user name and password of the provisioning server configured on
the phone will be used.
There are two types of FTP methods—active and passive. The phones are not
compatible with active FTP.