UC-P100-S/UC-P110-S Phones for Skype for Business
Supplemental Guide – DOC. 8412A
Select IPv4 or IPv6 from the Mode(IPv4/IPv6) drop-down list.
Click Confirm to accept the change. A dialog box pops up to prompt that
settings will take effect after a reboot.
Click OK to reboot the phone.
Configure a Static IPv4 Address via the Web User Interface
Click Network > Basic.
Network > Basic
In the IPv4 Config section, select Static IP Address.
Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS
in the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS
Click Confirm to accept the change. A dialog box pops up to prompt that
settings will take effect after a reboot.
Click OK to reboot the phone.