Supplemental Guide – DOC. 8412A
UC-P100-S/UC-P110-S Phones for Skype for Business
If user’s presence status is Do Not Disturb (DND) before dialing an emergency
number, it will reset to Available from DND when an E911 number is dialed.
The E911 location tip provides geographical information. The network administrator
configures user geographical location on the Skype for Business Server. After the user
signs in, the geographical location is downloaded via in-band provisioning.
If geographical location is not provisioned by the server and the LocationRequired
property of in-band LocationPolicy is set to YES or DISCLAIMER on the Skype for
Business Server, a popup opens in the phone's LCD enabling the user to either ignore the
notification or edit the location information.
E911 location tip can be configured using the configuration files or locally.
Configuration Methods
Central Provisioning
(Configuration File)
Configure the E911 location tip.
Web User Interface
Configure the E911 location tip.
Navigate to:
INVITE sip:[email protected];user=phone SIP/2.0
<civicAddress xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10:civicAddr">
<STS />
<PRD />
<HNS />
<POD />
<HNO />
<NAM />