Protection and Control
Recloser Operating Settings
Recloser operating settings consist of settings for the reclose time delays, reset time delays, reclose fail time
delay, and the maximum reclose time delay. These settings can be accessed at HMI screens 5.x.10.1
through 5.x.10.5 or by using the S<g>-79 command. Recloser operating settings are summarized in Table
Table 4-32. Recoloser Operating Settings
0.1 to 600 seconds
0.001 second (0 to 0.999 seconds)
0.1 second (1.0 to 9.9 seconds)
1 second (10 to 600 seconds)
0.1 cycles (6 to 36000 cycles)
791 = 0
792 = 0
793 = 0
794 = 0
79R = 10S
79F = 1s
79M = 60s
Step List
1. 79SCB TRUE during Reset and while timing to Reset after Lockout.
2. 79SCB TRUE when 79C is TRUE for first reclose and while timing to
Reset after first reclose.
3. 79SCB TRUE when 79C is TRUE for second reclose and while timing to
Reset after second reclose.
4. 79SCB TRUE when 79C is TRUE for third reclose and while timing to
Reset after third reclose.
5. 79SCB TRUE when 79C is TRUE for fourth reclose and while timing to
Reset after fourth reclose
S<g>-79 Command
Read or set the 79 operating settings.
S<g>-79<x>[=<Time Delay>]
g = 0 for setting group 0, 1 for setting group 1, 2 for setting group 2, or 3 for setting group 3
x = 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the automatic reclosing groups. R for reset time, F for fail time, and M
for max time. See table 4-32 for settings information.
S<g>-79 Command Example
1. In setting group 0, set Automatic Reclose 1 time delay at 6 cycles, Automatic Reclose 2 at 2.5
seconds, and disable Automatic Reclose 3 and 4. Set the Reset time at 30 seconds, the Fail time for
2 minutes, and the Max time for 2.5 minutes.
>S0-791=6c; S0-792=2.5s; S0-793=0; S0-794=0;
>S0-79R=30S; S0-79F=120S; S0-79M=150S
Sequence Controlled Blocking
The 79SCB output is TRUE when the breaker is closed, the 79 close output (79C) is TRUE, and the reclose
sequence step is enabled with a nonzero value in the S#-79SCB command. A 0 (zero) disables the 79SCB
S<g>-79SCB Command
Read or set the 79 Sequence Controlled Block output.
S<g>-79SCB[=<step list>]
g = 0 for setting group 0, 1 for setting group 1, 2 for setting group 2, or 3 for setting group 3