General Information
Fault Reporting
Fault reports consist of simple target information, fault summary reports, and detailed oscillography records
to enable the user to retrieve information about disturbances in as much detail as is desired. The relay
records and reports oscillography data in industry standard IEEE, Comtrade format to allow using any fault
analysis software. Basler Electric provides a Windows® based program called BESTwave that can read and
plot binary or ASCII format files that are in the COMTRADE format.
Sequence Of Events Recorder
A 255 event Sequence of Events Recorder (SER) is provided that records and time stamps all relay inputs
and outputs as well as all alarm conditions monitored by the relay. Time stamp resolution is to the nearest
half-cycle. I/O and Alarm reports can be extracted from the records as well as reports of events recorded
during the time span associated with a specific fault report.
Alarm Function
Extensive self diagnostics will trigger a fatal relay trouble alarm if any of the relay core functions are
adversely affected. Fatal relay trouble alarms are not programmable and are dedicated to the Alarm output
(OUTA) and the front panel Relay Trouble LED. Additional relay trouble alarms and all other alarm functions
are programmable for major or minor priority. Programmed alarms are indicated by major and minor alarm
LEDs on the front panel. Major and minor alarm points can also be programmed to any output contact
including OUTA. Over 20 alarm conditions are available to be monitored including user definable logic
conditions using BESTlogic.
Active alarms can be read and reset from the front panel HMI or from the communication ports. A historical
sequence of events report with time stamps lists when each alarm occurred and cleared. These reports are
available through the communication ports.
Version Report
The version of the embedded software (firmware) is available from the front panel HMI or the communication
ports. The unit serial number and style number is also available through the communication port.
BESTlogic Programmable Logic
Each BE1-951 protection and control function is implemented in an independent function element. Every
function block is equivalent to its single function, discrete device counterpart so it is immediately familiar to
the protection engineer. Each independent function block has all of the inputs and outputs that the discrete
component counterpart might have. Programming with BESTlogic is equivalent to choosing the devices
required by your protection and control scheme and then drawing schematic diagrams to connect the inputs
and outputs to obtain the desired operating logic.
Several preprogrammed logic schemes and a set of custom logic settings are provided. A preprogrammed
scheme can be activated by merely selecting it. Custom logic settings allow you to tailor the relay
functionality to match the needs of your operation's practices and power system requirements.
Write Access Security
Security can be defined for three distinct functional access areas: Settings, Reports, and Control. Each
access area can be assigned its own password. A global password provides access to all three functional
areas. Each of the four passwords can be unique or multiple access areas can share the same password.
A second dimension of security is provided by allowing the user to restrict access for any of the access areas
to only specific communication ports. For example, you could set up security to deny access to control
commands from the rear RS-232 port that is connected through a modem to a telephone line.
Security settings only affect write access. Read access is always available in any area through any port.