Testing and Maintenance
Step 3 Connect an ac voltage source at nominal frequency between relay terminals C15 (C-phase) and
C16 (Neutral terminal). Apply 100 volts and verify voltage-measuring accuracy by transmitting
the M command to the relay. Readings should be: M-VC=100 volts, M-VBC=100 volts,
M-VCA=100 volts, M-3V0=100 volts, and M-V2=33.4 volts (applied divided by 3), all at + 1.0%.
HMI Screens 3.1, 3.2, and 3.4 can also be monitored to verify voltage measurements.
Step 4 Connect relay terminals C13 (A-phase), C14 (B-phase), and C15 (C-phase) together. Connect
an ac voltage source at nominal frequency to the three jumpered terminals and the Neutral
terminal (C16).
Step 5 Apply the voltage values listed in Table 13-4 and verify voltage measuring accuracy by
transmitting the M command to the relay. HMI Screen 3.1 can also be monitored to verify voltage
Table 13-4. Voltage Circuit Verification Values
Applied Voltage
Measured Voltage
Lower Limit
Upper Limit
80 volts
79.2 V
80.8 V
100 volts
99.0 V
101.0 V
120 volts
118.8 V
121.2 V
140 volts
138.6 V
141.4 V
160 volts
156.8 V
163.2 V
Power Reading Verification
Step 1 Use the same voltage connections as in the previous test, polarity voltage jumpered to C13, 14,
and 15, neutral tied to C16. Use the same current connection as in Steps 3 and 4 of Current
Circuit Verification; that is, polarity current in 1 out 8 with 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7 jumpered
Power readings in this procedure are based on a 5 amp relay; for 1 amp values, divide
by 5.
Step 2 Apply 100 volts at angle 0 degrees, and 1 or 5 amps (depending on the current rating), at angle
0 degrees to the relay. Verify the accuracy of the power reading by transmitting the M command
to the relay. Power should be 1.5 kw + 1.0%, and reactive should read near 0 vars. HMI Screen
3.8 can also be monitored to verify power and reactive readings. The apparent power should be
1.5 kva + 1.0% at unity power factor. Apparent power can also be viewed on HMI screen 3.9.
Step 3 Reverse the current polarity and apply the same values as in Step 2. Note that the power
reading is - 1.5 kw which indicates "power in" to the zone being protected.
Step 4 Return the current polarity back to Step 1 position. Apply 100 volts at angle 0 degrees, and 5
amps at angle -90 degrees (I lag E by 90 degrees) to the relay, and verify reactive power
accuracy by transmitting the M command to the relay. Power should be nearly 0 kw, and reactive
should read 1.5 kvars + 1.0%. HMI Screen 3.8 can also be monitored to verify power and
reactive values. Apparent power and power factor can also be viewed on HMI screen 3.9. Note
power factor reads near 0 with a negative sign indicating a lagging power factor angle.
Step 5 Reverse the current polarity and apply the same values as in Step 4. Note that the reactive
power reading is - 1.5 kvars, which indicates reactive power in to the device being protected.
Also note that the power factor angle is near 0 with a positive sign indicating a leading power
factor angle.
Step 6 Repeat Step 2 and 4 for current values of 10 and 20 amps. Corresponding power reading should
be 3 kw/kvar and 6 kw /kvar + 1.0%.