Testing and Maintenance
Functional testing is a way to assess this relay's suitability for your application. Functional testing goes
beyond the more basic tests found in acceptance testing, but lacks the detailed function testing that is part
of the commissioning process.
Test each of the following functions to verify that this relay measures accurately, is within specified
tolerances, and operates correctly. These tests are also suitable for assisting in systematic troubleshooting
in the event that an operation is questioned. Revisiting the test of a specific function can help verify whether
the relay is operating within specified tolerances. For further assistance, contact Basler Electric, Technical
Support Services Department.
Test connections referred to in this section are for an H1 case relay. Refer to Figure 13-1 (H1 case) for
terminal locations. If testing a relay in an S1 case, modify the current and potential test connections
according to the terminal locations shown in Figure 13-2 (S1 case).
The “access command” (A=) and the “exit with save commands” (E and Yes) are shown in the initial logic
setup table found in each test section. In order to include multiple test settings in each operational setting
table. The “access” and “exit with save” commands are not included. However, “access” and “exit with
save” are required each time a logic or operational setting is changed.
To accelerate the testing process, two protection elements may have the same setting and are tested at the
same time, but with different outputs. During the pickup/dropout test, one of the elements could pick up
slightly ahead of the other, resulting in only one target being displayed. At some point in the test, apply
110% of the pickup value and verify that both targets display. Reset Targets prior to each test by pressing
the HMI reset key.
Instantaneous Overcurrent (50T)
50/150TP and TN (Calculated 3Io) Pickup and Dropout Verification
Purpose: To verify the accuracy of the operation of the 50/150TP and TN (3Io) elements.
Reference Commands: SL-50T/150T, SL-GROUP, SL-VO
Step 1 Connect a current source to terminals D1 and D2 (A-phase). Refer to Figure 6-1 for terminal
locations. An ohmmeter or continuity tester may be used to monitor output contact status.
Step 2 Prepare the 50T/150T elements for testing by transmiting the commands in Table 13-6 to the relay.
Reset Targets.
Table 13-6. 50T Pickup Test Commands
Gain write access
Zero out custom logic settings. Overwrite with logic=none
Confirm overwrite
Sets PU50 as custom logic name
Enables 50TP, 50TN (3Io), and 50TQ and disables blocking
Enables OUT1 to close for 50TP trip
Enables OUT2 to close for 50TN trip
Sets P, N ct ratio at 1:1
Enable 50TPT or 50TNT to log and trigger fault recording
Exit and save settings