Testing and Maintenance
Table 13-74. BF Time Delay Commands
Gain write access
Set BF time delay at 100 milliseconds
Exit and save settings
Step 5 Verify the BF time delay by applying the pickup current obtained in Step 3 for the duration given
in the following steps.
A. Apply pickup current to phase A for 4 cycles (67 ms at 60 Hz). No trip should occur.
B. Apply pickup current to phase A for 5 cycles. (83 ms at 60 Hz). No trip should occur.
C. Apply pickup current to phase A for 7 cycles (117 ms at 60 Hz). A BF trip should occur. Use
the RS-LGC command to retrieve an SER report and verify that a BF trip was logged 100
millis5 percent (+11/4, -1/4) after application of pickup current.
Step 6 (Optional) De-energize relay input IN3. This will block the breaker fail logic and cause OUT1 and
OUT2 to open. Verify that relay outputs OUT1 and OUT2 remain open (BF element does not
operate) even though pickup current is applied. De-energize IN3 and verify that OUT2 (and
subsequently OUT1) closes. Remove current from phase A.
Step 7 (Optional) Apply pickup current to phase A. OUT2 and OUT1 should close. De-energize IN4 and
verify that OUT1 and OUT2 open. Remove current from phase A.
Step 8 Energize IN4 and apply 0.7 A of current to the phase A current input and measure the time
between the application of current and OUT1 closing. OUT2 should have closed immediately when
current was applied. Verify that the BF timer operated within the specified accuracy of +5 percent
or +11/4, -1/4 cycles, whichever is greater.
Step 9 (Optional) Repeat Steps 3 through 8 for the phase B and phase C elements.
Virtual Switches
Purpose: To verify operation of the 43/143/243/343 virtual switches.
Reference Commands: SL-43/143/243/343, CS/CO-43/143/243/343
To test virtual switches, we verify each mode of operation but do not verify each of the four virtual switches.
In your testing, you may substitute any or all of the switches as desired. If you give an invalid command such
as CS-243=1/CO-243=1 when switch 243 is programmed for mode 3 operation, the relay will reject the
command and return an INVALID PARAMETER message through the ASCII command interface. For more
information about virtual switch operation, see Section 4,
Protection and Control, Virtual Switches. You may
verify operation of virtual switches by monitoring the programmed output contacts, HMI screen 1.5.4, or by
using the RS-LGC command to retrieve logic variable data from the SER. You also may use the RG-STAT
command. See Section 6,
Reporting and Alarm Functions for more information about reports.
Mode 1 - On/Off/Pulse
Step 1 Prepare the x43 virtual switch for Mode 1 testing by transmitting the commands in Table 13-75
Table 13-75. x43 Mode 1 Test Commands
Gain write access
Zero out custom logic settings. Overwrite with
logic=none settings.
Confirm overwrite
Sets MODE1 as custom logic name
Sets 43 for Mode 1 operation