Chapter 34: Internet Protocol Detail Record
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The IPDR records used in these methods are:
Start — A Start record is used when a service item is created.
Interim — An Interim record is used for a snapshot of an existing service item.
Event — An Event record is used when a service item is changed.
Stop — A Stop record is used when a service item is deleted.
Method and Record Usage
The methods and records used by each IPDR service are explained as follows:
DOCSIS 2.0 SAMIS service is exported using the time method, with Interim and Stop records.
DOCSIS 3.0 SAMIS-1 service is exported using the time and adhoc methods, with Interim and Stop records.
DOCSIS 3.0 CPE service is exported using the event and adhoc methods:
The event method uses Start and Stop records.
The adhoc method uses Interim, Start, and Stop records.
Sequence of Records
The sequence of records within an IPDR document is described in the following paragraphs.
Time Method
With the time method, at the beginning of the session interval, the Exporter starts streaming queried records (Interim)
until finished.
As event-triggered records (Start, Stop, Event) occur, they are exported immediately taking precedence over queried
records. Once all queried records are complete, only event-triggered records are exported as they occur during the
remainder of the session interval.
Event Method
With the event method, during a session interval, only event-triggered records are exported as they occur.