Chapter 43: BSoD L2VPN
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Show Commands
Table 133.
Show Commands for L2VPN and BSoD
CLI Command
Display the configuration and state of the L2VPN settings.
show l2vpn
Display the configuration and state of a specific L2VPNID.
show l2vpn l2vpnid <L2VPNID>
Display the configuration and state of the specific Q-tag or
Q-tag pair within an L2VPN.
show l2vpn l2vpnid <L2VPNID> [ <outer VLANid>
[ : <inner VLANid> ]]
The colon ":" is used to separate the inner Q-tag from the outer in
a Q-tag pair, for example, 20:20. If you entered 202, the CMTS
would look for single Q-tag number two hundred and two.
Display the specific cable-modem by MAC address.
show l2vpn cm-mac <aaaa.bbbb.cccc>
Sample output for the show cable modem detail command:
14/2-1/3 CM 001c.ea27.4f2a (Cisco) D2.0 State=Operational D1.1/atdma PrimSID=2
Cable-Mac= 1, mCMsg = 2 mDSsg = 1 mUSsg = 1, RCS=0x00000003 TCS=0x00000004
Timing Offset=979 Rec Power= 0.00 dBmV Proto-Throttle=Normal
Uptime= 0 days 0:00:14 IPv4= cfg=single-202.bin
LB Policy=0 LB Group=16781312 Filter-Group CM-Down:0 CM-Up:0
Privacy=Ready Ver=BPI Plus Authorized DES56 Primary SAId=2 Seq=1
MDF Capability= GMAC Explicit(1) MDF Mode= MDF Disabled(0)
u/d SFID SID State Sched Tmin Tmax DFrms DBytes CRC HCS Slot/Ports
u 3 2 Activ BE 0 0 1 315 0 0 1/3
d 4 *2 Activ 8000 0 1 182 14/2
u 5 3 Activ BE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/3
L2VPN per CM: (Enabled) Cadant
u/d SFID Classifier L2VPN Name
u 3 - Cadant
d 4 1 Cadant
Current CPE=0, IPv4 Addr=0, IPv6 Addr=0 Max CPE=32, IPv4 Addr=32, IPv6 Addr=64
Sample output for the show l2vpn command: