Chapter 22: Channel Bonding
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
14:00:50 13 debg: Debug:cm-status.msgs.expected:CM-STATUS from MAC=00:00:ca:d4:db:33, Transaction=1:
Report: QAM/FEC - lock lost for Downstream Chan ID=2
14:00:56 13 debg: Debug:cm-status.msgs.expected:CM-STATUS from MAC=00:00:ca:d4:db:33, Transaction=1:
Report: QAM/FEC - lock recovery for Downstream Chan ID=2
The C4/c CMTS will generate notice-level logging when disruption in modem ranging occurs on a non-primary channel. For
12:26:25 13 notc: MAC=00:15:a4:a4:58:1f; Upstream portNumber 3; SMRanger - Ranging opportunities
exceeded on non-primary upstream. Removed non-primary upstream from service flows.
12:27:39 13 notc: MAC=00:15:a4:a4:58:1f; Upstream portNumber 3; SMRanger - Non-primary upstream
resumed response to ranging opportunities. Restored non-primary upstream to service flows.
The output of the
show cable modem detail
command reflects when a CM is in an impaired state. The following is an
example of the output:
show cable modem detail
14/0-3/0 CM 0015.d187.3c15 (Arris) D3.0 State=Operational D1.1/atdma PrimSID=8194
Cable-Mac= 2, mCMsg = 1 mDSsg = 1 mUSsg = 1 RCP_ID= 0x0010000005 RCC_Stat= 2, RCS=0x01000001
Timing Offset=1072 Rec Power= 0.00 dBmV Proto-Throttle=Normal dsPartialServMask=0x00000000
Uptime= 0 days 0:01:17 IPv4= cfg=cw_basic_30.bin
LB Policy=0 LB Group=25167872 Filter-Group CM-Down:0 CM-Up:0
MDF Capability= GMAC Promiscuous(2) MDF Mode= MDF Enabled(1)
u/d SFID SID State Sched Tmin Tmax DFrms DBytes CRC HCS Slot/Ports
uB 9 8194 Activ BE 0 0 0 0 0 0
dB 10 *5 Activ 0 0 5 1126 14/0,1,2,3
L2VPN per CM: (Disabled)
Current CPE=0, IPv4 Addr=0, IPv6 Addr=0 Max CPE=16, IPv4 Addr=32, IPv6 Addr=64
The show cable modem bonded-impaired command provides information on CMs that are not functioning at full capacity.
It also states the reason for the impaired state. (See for more details.)
show cable modem bonded-impaired
Feb 1 10:57:07
Interface Actual Impair Impair DOC
(DS-US) Mac Bonded Bonded Port Reason SIS MAC address IP Address
----------- ---- ------ ----- ----- ------- --- --------------- ------------------
14/4- 2/2.0 2 4x2 4x1 U2/3.0 badTcs 3.0 0015.d002.e5d9