Chapter 16: Dynamic Routing Protocols
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
gigabitethernet <slot>/<port> |
tengigabitethernet <slot>/<port>
is the RCM slot number/port number of the specified
area <word>
is the area ID. It can be specified as either an IP address or
decimal value
Whenever a user enables a cable-side interface, the user should also configure the interface as a passive interface:
configure ipv6 router ospf passive-interface {cable-mac <mac> | loopback <0-15> | gigabitethernet
<slot>/<port> | tengigabitethernet <slot>/<port>}
Note: The cable-mac and loopback interfaces are generally configured as passive interfaces to suppress hello packets
that would otherwise be sent on the downstream.
By default, OSPFv3 is disabled on the C4/c CMTS. Enabling OSPFv3 for an interface does not affect the global
enable/disable state on the C4/c CMTS. Enter the following command to enable OSPFv3:
configure ipv6 router ospf no shutdown
There is no system response if the command is successful. This is a "silent success" command.
Note: To again disable OSPFv3 the same command form is entered as follows:
configure ipv6 router ospf shutdown
Confirm that OSPFv3 is enabled for the interface:
show ipv6 ospf interface
Sample output:
gigabitethernet 17/0.0
Link-local address : FE80::201:5CFF:FE22:9420/10
Global unicast address(es) : 2001::201:5CFF:FE22:9420
Area ID:
Network type: Broadcast Timer intervals (in seconds):
Cost: 1 Hello: 10
Transit delay: 1 Retransmit: 5
Admin state: Enabled Dead: 40
Interface state: UP Poll: 120
Priority: 1 Counts:
Designated router: Events: 0
Backup designated LSAs: 0
Enter the following command to disable OSPFv3 for an specific interface or interfaces: