Chapter 16: Dynamic Routing Protocols
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
For example:
configure access-list 10 deny any
configure access-list 10 permit
configure router bgp
configure router bgp 1 distribute-list 10 out ospf
Filtering Redistributed ISIS Routes
To filter redistributed IS-IS routes, use the following commands:
configure router isis [no] distribute-list ACL-NUM out static
configure router isis [no] distribute-list ACL-NUM out connected
configure router isis [no] distribute-list ACL-NUM out rip
configure router isis [no] distribute-list ACL-NUM out ospf
configure router isis [no] distribute-list ACL-NUM out bgp
The existing CadPolicyAclTable MIB must be used when creating an ACL. The ACL defined must be a standard ACL (range 0-
Execution of this command will create an entry in the cadDistListOutTable. If the corresponding route redistribution
command has already been executed, then each entry in the ACL table will create an entry in the rtmRedistTable.
There must also be a "wildcard" match entry in the rtmRedistTable for either the "permit_all" or "deny_all" ACL case, with
the rtmRedistFlag set to AMB_TRUE or AMB_FALSE.
Note: The priority (rtmRedistPriority) must be set to a value greater than (implies lower priority) the more specific
For example:
configure access-list 10 deny
configure access-list 10 permit
configure router isis
configure router isis 1 distribute-list 10 out ospf
Filtering Outbound RIP Updates
To filter outbound rip updates originating at the C4/c CMTS, use the following commands:
configure router rip [no] distribute-list <access_list_number> out
The C4/c CMTS processes outbound RIP updates with the following rules: