Chapter 23: IPv6
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Sets the IPv6 address on cable-mac 1
Allows CPEs to use DHCPv6 to acquire their IP addresses
Sets the IPv6 address on a gigE and on a tengigabitEthernet interface
Configures an IPv6 default route.
configure interface cable-mac 1 cable cm-ip-prov-mode ipv6only
configure interface cable-mac 1 shutdown
configure interface cable-mac 1 cable mcast-fwd-by-dsid
configure interface cable-mac 1 shutdown no
configure interface cable-mac 1.0 ipv6 address 2001:CADA:F409:C100::1/64
configure interface cable-mac 1.0 ipv6 dhcp relay destination 2001:CADA:F409:ED00::1
configure interface cable-mac 17/0.0 ipv6 address 2001:CADA:F409:1700::2/64
configure interface cable-mac 17/10.0 ipv6 address 2001:CADA:F409:1710::2/64
configure ipv6 route ::/0 2001:CADA:F409:1710::1
Ping and Traceroute Commands
The ping (Packet Internet Groper) command is a common method of troubleshooting the accessibility of devices. It sends a
series of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo-request packets to determine if a remote host is active or
ping ipv6 <ipv6 address> [mgmt] [output-interface {cable | tengigabitethernet | gigabitEthernet}
<slot>/<port>] [payload <payload pattern>] [repeat-count <int>] [size <int>] [source <ip address>]
[timeout <int>] [tos <int>] [ttl <int>] [validate]
Note: Use
ping ipv6
if it is a link-local interface, and then specify the output-interface option. This option is not available
for the standard ping command.
The traceroute command is a troubleshooting tool that helps to determine the path a packet takes to get to a destination.
traceroute ipv6 <ipv6 address> [max-ttl <int>] [mgmt] [source <ipv6 address>] [timeout <sec>]
[probe-count <int>] [min-ttl <int>] [port-number <int>] [tos <int>]
The IPv6 DHCP process differs from that of IPv4. An example of the message:
trace logging dhcpv6 <mac> verbose