Chapter 16: Dynamic Routing Protocols
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Broadcast Interface Adjacencies
All the routers on a LAN that implement the MT extension may advertise their MT capability TLV in their IIHs. If there is at
least one adjacency on the LAN interface that belongs to this MT capable router, the corresponding MT IS Reachable TLV
will be included in its LSP.
Establishing Adjacency
Adjacency will always be established between two routers on a LAN whether they have a common MT or not. This
guarantees that all the routers on the LAN can correctly elect the same DIS.
Unsupported MT
If the C4/c CMTS receives an LSP from another router with an unsupported MT, the LSP will be installed into the database
but no routes will be calculated using that LSP.
Advertising MT Reachable Intermediate Systems in LSPs
The C4/c CMTS will include within its LSPs (in the Reachable Intermediate TLV-only) adjacent nodes that are participating in
the corresponding topology and advertise such TLVs only if it participates itself in the corresponding topology. There is no
change to the pseudo-node LSP construction.
Note: The Standard Reachable Intermediate Systems TLV is acting here as MT IPv4 (ID #0), the equivalent of the newly
introduced MT Reachable Intermediate Systems TLV.
Acknowledging MT IS TLV
A router must announce the MT IS TLV when there is at least one adjacency on the interface that belongs to this MT,
otherwise it may announce the MT IS TLV of an adjacency for a given MT if this interface participates in the LAN.
MT IP Forwarding
The C4/c CMTS supports MT IPv4 (ID #0) and MT IPv6 (ID #2) on the same interface.