Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure router isis metric-style
Configures the type of metric the C4 CMTS will generate or accept.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure router isis metric-style <narrow | transition | wide> [<level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2>]
configure router isis metric-style <narrow | transition | wide> [<level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2>] no
To restore the default value, use the no option.
<narrow |
transition | wide>
Metric-style narrow – enables the router to advertise and accept only old-style TLVs.
Metric-style transition – enables the router to advertise and accept both styles of TLVs.
Metric-style wide – enables the router to advertise and accept only new-style TLVs.
[<level-1 | level-1-2
| level-2>]
Specifies the type of adjacencies to be formed on this interface. If no value is specified, then modify value for both level-1 and level-