Chapter 16: Dynamic Routing Protocols
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
2001:1234:0:3::/64 ACT fe80::20b:45ff:feb6:100 116/10 isis(L2) 00:08:07 gigE 17/9.0
2001:1234:0:4::/64 ACT fe80::20b:45ff:feb6:100 116/10 isis(L2) 00:08:07 gigE 17/9.0
2002:2001:3001:3002/64 ACT fe80::20b:45ff:feb6:100 y 115/20 isis(L1) 00:10:52 gigE 17/9.0
Configuring MT IS-IS on the C4/c CMTS
Configuration tasks associated with MT IS-IS are accomplished by means of:
An enable procedure
A disable procedure
A default metric modification procedure.
Enable MT IS-IS
Use this procedure to enable MT IS-IS on the C4/c CMTS.
Note: IS-IS must be disabled at the system level before enabling MT.
Disable IS-IS at the system level with the following command:
configure router isis shutdown
Enable MT IS-IS on the C4/c CMTS:
configure router isis address-family ipv6 multi-topology
Once MT IS-IS has been enabled, IS-IS can once again be enabled with the following command:
configure router isis shutdown no
Disable MT IS-IS
Use this procedure to disable MT IS-IS on the C4/c CMTS.
Note: IS-IS must be disabled at the system level before disabling MT.
Disable IS-IS at the system level with the following command:
configure router isis shutdown
Disable MT IS-IS using the following command:
configure router isis address-family ipv6 multi-topology no