Chapter 37: Service Class Names
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Note: The revised SCN is also applied if the CM reboots.
If the parameters of the SCN have been modified (overridden) by the CM’s configuration file, then those overrides will
remain in effect: they will not be negated by this feature.
If large numbers of CMs are using service flows whose QoS parameters are defined by a particular SCN that is changed
using this feature, then it may take up to an hour for those changes to be received and applied.
It is recommended that operators using this feature begin by using the show cable modem qos-sc name <scn name> |
count command first. This will show approximately how many flows will be affected. If a large number of SFs and
modems will be affected, the MSO should apply the changes during a maintenance window or period of low activity.
Users of the show cable modem qos-sc command should be advised that this command involves a search of all the
active SFs, of which there could be more than 100,000. The command may take up to an hour to complete on a very
busy system.
Any service flow that is being penalized for having violated an Integrated Service Class Agility enforcement rule, will not
have its penalty reduced or annulled by a change to the SCN parameters associated with that SF. It can only leave the
penalty state by meeting the requirements of the ISCA enforcement rule.
If an SCN has been updated (changed) and applied using the apply-update CLI command, and if that SCN is revised and
applied a second time, then the second updated SCN takes precedence and is applied to all affected service flows
whether the first change has finished sending DSCs or not.
Note: If the CER does not receive a DSC-RSP from a modem after sending a DSC-REQ for a static SF, the CM will be reset.
The CM is reset in order to keep the modem and the CER consistent with respect to the service class parameters. After the
modem is reset, then it registers with the latest version of the SCN parameters.
CLI for Dynamic Service Class Modifications
The following table lists the CLI commands that are most relevant to the Dynamic Service Class Modifications feature:
Table 121.
CLI Commands Related to Dynamic Service Class Modifications
CLI Command
To configure a Service Class Name and define its parameters.
(See the CLI Reference chapter in the user manual for a
description of the available parameters.)
configure qos-sc name <service class name>