Chapter 11: Basic Bring-up Procedure for the C4 CMTS
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
14/7-1/1 CM 001d.cdf9.35f8 (Arris) D3.0 State=Operational D1.1/tdma PrimSID=8192
Cable-Mac= 1, mCMsg = 2 mDSsg = 1 mUSsg = 1 RCP_ID= 0x0010000008 RCC_Stat= 1,
RCS=0x01000001 TCS=0x01000001
Timing Offset=770 Rec Power= 0.00 dBmV Proto-Throttle=Normal dsPartialServMask=0x00000000
Uptime= 0 days 12:37:18 IPv4= cfg=basic.bin
LB Policy=0 LB Group=16781312 Filter-Group CM-Down:0 CM-Up:0
Privacy=Ready Ver=BPI Plus Authorized DES56 Primary SAId=8192 Seq=2
MDF Capability= GMAC Promiscuous(2) MDF Mode= MDF Disabled(0)
u/d SFID SID State Sched Tmin Tmax DFrms DBytes CRC HCS Slot/Ports
uB 3 8192 Activ BE 0 2000000 2077 241735 0 0 1/0,1,2,3
dB 4 *2 Activ 0 2000000 1568 157631
L2VPN per CM: (Disabled)
Current CPE=1, IPv4 Addr=1, IPv6 Addr=0 Max CPE=16, IPv4 Addr=32, IPv6 Addr=64
CPE 001d.cdf9.35fa Filter-Group:Up=0 Down=0 Proto-Throttle=Normal IPv4=
To display the status of the bonding group for a given MAC address, enter:
show cable bonding-group-status
An example of the
show cable bonding-group-status
show cable bonding-group-status
Cable mDSsg/
-mac chSetId mUSsg CfgId AttrMask
----- ---------- ------- ------- ----------
1 0x01000001 D1 dynamic ---
1 0x01000001 U1 dynamic ---
An example of the
show cable rcc-status
show cable rcc-status verbose
Cable Stat
-mac RCP-id RCC ID ChanSetId RCC-Status
1 0010000008 dyn 1 0x1000001 Valid
Module: 1 MinCFreq:321000000 ModConnID:0
CM-chan Downstream Frequency Primary
1 14/7 363000000 Primary
2 14/0 321000000 Capable
3 14/1 327000000 Capable
4 14/2 333000000 Capable
5 14/3 339000000 Capable
6 14/4 345000000 Capable