Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure router bgp * address-family ipv6 aggregate-address
Configures the routes that match the aggregate IP address and mask to be aggregated.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure router bgp [<int>] address-family ipv6 aggregate-address <ipv6-address/prefix> [as-set]
[summary-only] [suppress-map <word>] [advertise-map <word>] [attribute-map <word>]
configure router bgp [<int>] address-family ipv6 aggregate-address <ipv6-address/prefix> [as-set]
[summary-only] [suppress-map <word>] [advertise-map <word>] [attribute-map <word>] no
The aggregate routes and the specific routes would be advertised out.
To disable, use the no option.
Autonomous System (AS) number. Valid range is 1-65535
<ipv6-address/prefix> IPv6 Network number.
Aggregate mask.
Creates aggregate route and suppresses advertisements of all aggregated, more specific routes.
Suppresses specified routes.
Name of route map to choose the routes to include into the aggregate and generate associated attributes if as-set is specified.
Route map name to establish aggregate route atttribute.