Chapter 2: C4/C4c CMTS Features
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
are reported to be impaired via a REG-ACK or DBC-RSP. Regardless of whether this feature is enabled or disabled, the
behavior will only impact newly registered modems; currently registered modems are unaffected.
IPv6 VoIP Support supports the IPv6 address family for IP addressing to DOCSIS 3.0 MTAs or DOCSIS 3.0 embedded Digital
Voice Adapters (eDVAs). It will not perform IPv6 classification using the source IP address of IPv6 MTAs or eDVAs.
Intelligent TCS Assignment supports the capability to assign the Transmit Channel Set (TCS) used by a modem such that
the modem will be assigned to the most lightly-loaded upstream channels that meet the required service flow attributes at
registration time. The ability to control the intelligent TCS assignment/balancing mode of operation will be separately
configurable from the ability to enable and disable periodic dynamic load balancing.
5-85 MHz Support supports using the extended upstream frequency range (5 to 85 MHz) CM capability TLV when
evaluating TCS selection and potential CM movement from several mechanisms: upstream channel override in the RNG-
RSP message, or DCC.
Multi-protocol BGP Support with IPv6 Address Family adds support for IPv4 and IPv6 BGP operation. The C4 CMTS will
advertise and learn IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes and allow regular community tagging based on route-maps for IPv4 and IPv6.
TCS Reduction Enhancement allows user to specify the maximum size of a modem’s transmit channel set (TCS).
Ping Stats provides support for including round-trip delay statistics with the output of the ping CLI command. Output of
the ping command will now return minimum, maximum, and average round trip delay.
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Correction with Enable/Disable Control -- adds an operational mode to limit the maximum
adjustment to the originally intended value (3.0), but will default to the extended value (4.3).
BSoD L2 VPN Configuration via CLI implements CLI functionality in the C4 CMTS to allow a modem to be assigned to a
specified BSoD L2 VPN without putting the L2VPN TLVs in the modem configuration file.
Configure cable global CLI Commands This new family of commands is meant to improve CLI usability by reducing the
number of options directly under the configure cable command.
Release 8.3 Features
The following is a list of the new features in Release 8.3:
Hitless Dynamic DS and US Bonded Modem Load Balancing