Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
show logging history
Displays the contents of the log history buffer which contains all log messages sent to any logging destination.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
show logging history [last <number of events>] [before-date <mm/dd/yyyy>] [after-date <mm/dd/yyyy>]
[before-time <hh:mm:ss>] [after-time <hh:mm:ss>] [event <id>] [priority <numerical or text priority>]
[text <matching text>] [slot <num>] [detail]
The log can be filtered to display only a subset of information.
[last <number of events>]
Displays the specified number of events
[before-date <mm/dd/yyyy>]
Displays events before the specified date; mm=month, dd=day, and yyyy=year
[after-date <mm/dd/yyyy>]
Displays events after the specified date; mm=month, dd=day, and yyyy=year
[before-time <hh:mm:ss>]
Displays events before the specified time; hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=seconds
[after-time <hh:mm:ss>]
Displays events after specified time; hh=hour, mm=minute, ss=seconds
[event <id>]
Displays events with the specified event id
[priority <numerical or text priority>] Displays events with the specified priority
[text <matching text>]
Displays events containing the matching text
[slot <num>]
Displays events that occurred on the specified slot. Valid range for the C4 CMTS is 0-14.
Displays detailed header information