Chapter 41: Logging
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
stop = to enable closed-loop feedback throttling
all = to enable complete throttling of all C4/c CMTS events
interval = to set the time during which the trap threshold applies
threshold = to set the number of trap and Syslog events to be transmitted per interval before
Use the following command to transmit the trap and Syslog messages without regard to threshold settings:
configure logging throttle no
Event Throttling Example 1
Use the following series of commands to view existing throttle settings, configure a throttle which inhibits all messages if
the message rate exceeds 100 messages within 90 seconds, and verify that the change was implemented:
show logging throttle
configure logging throttle threshold 100
configure logging throttle interval 90
configure logging throttle stop
show logging throttle
Event Throttling Example 2
Use the following series of commands to view existing throttle settings, configure a throttle which inhibits all SNMP and
Syslog messages, and verify that the change was implemented:
show logging throttle
configure logging throttle all
show logging throttle
Event Throttling Example 3
Use the following series of commands to view existing throttle settings, set the throttle to allow all SNMP and Syslog
messages, and verify that the change was implemented:
show logging throttle
configure no logging throttle
show logging throttle