Chapter 19: DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Enable multicast routing:
configure ip multicast-routing
Enable PIM-SSM on the cable interface but disable PIM-SSM protocol messages from being sent:
configure interface cable-mac <mac>[<.subif#>] ip pim sparse-mode-ssm passive
Enable PIM-SSM on network-side interface:
configure interface gigabitethernet <slot>/<port>[<.subif#>] ip pim sparse-mode-ssm
configure interface tengigabitethernet <slot>/<port>[<.subif#>] ip pim sparse-mode-ssm
The command to display the IGMP configuration for an interface is:
show ip igmp interface
The command to display the PIM-SSM configuration for an interface is:
show ip pim interface
The command to display inbound/outbound interfaces and counters is:
show ip mroute
For more information see
(page 776). For an explanation of PIM-SSM see
Enabling Upstream Filters
To prevent DSG tunnel traffic from entering an upstream, an upstream IP filter must be configured to block the upstream
traffic destined for the DSG tunnel. The following commands provide the ability to dynamically configure these filters. This
is described in Configuring Access List, Filters and Rate Limits. The existing cable modems must be reset after the following
commands are executed, but not at the time the filters are created. This is a one-time occurrence.
configure ip filter group <> index <> src-addr src-mask dest-addr dest-
mask dest-port <> action drop
configure cable submgmt default filter-group host upstream <1-1023>
configure cable submgmt default filter-group cm upstream <1-1023>
configure cable submgmt default active
Note: The IP filter group should be unique for DSG provisioning.
To reset the cable modems:
configure reset cable-modem all