Chapter 14: Cable-side Configuration
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Display All System Fiber Nodes
The following command example displays all system fiber nodes and their associated service groups and ports:
show cable fiber-node
An output similar to the following example will occur:
Cable mDSsg/
Fiber Node MAC mCMsg mUSsg Ports
------------ ----- ----- ----- --------------------------
1 2 D1
14/0 14/1 14/2 14/3
1 2 U1 1/0.0 1/1.0 1/2.0
2 3 D1
14/4 14/5 14/6 14/7
2 3 U1
1/3.0 1/4.0 1/5.0
3 4 D1
14/8 14/9 14/10 14/11
3 4 U1
1/6.0 1/7.0 1/8.0
4 5 D1
14/12 14/13 14/14 1 4/15
4 5 U1
1/9.0 1/10.0 1/11.0
* Indicates that downstream channel is not primary-capable.
Display Specific Fiber Node
The following command example displays a specific fiber node and its associated service groups and ports:
show cable fiber-node FN1
An output similar to the following example will occur:
Cable mDSsg/
Fiber Node MAC mCMsg mUSsg Ports
---------------- ----- ----- ------ --------------------
FN1 1 1 U1 3/4-7
FN1 1 1 D1 13/0-3
* Indicates that downstream channel is not primary-capable.
Display All System Fiber Nodes (Detail)
The following command example displays detailed information regarding all system fiber nodes and their associated
service groups and ports: