Chapter 4 - 38 Liter Bubbler Installation
Revision 0
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13. Return to System Test -> Test Analog In. Compare PT1 pressure from values
recorded in Leak Check Setup, above. Confirm change in pressure (Pressure decay)
is less than 1psig, 0.2mA.
____________PSIG ___________mA
Note, if pressure drop is greater than specified, troubleshoot until pressure decay
meets this specification.
14. Cancel out of Manual Mode.
15. Return pneumatic airline to V3. Remove airline from V2 and insert back to pneumatic
fitting of V3. Insert airline of V2 back to pneumatic fitting of V2.
4.10 System Purge
Confirm Bubbler installed and cooling water off
Note, Do not purge while cooling water is on
1. Open/confirm manual shutoff valve on venture vacuum gas supply line to V7 is open.
2. At Main Display, step to CHEM ON Menu and enter Manual Mode.
3. Select and open V7 and V5.
4. Confirm pressure readout of PT1 begins to decrease. Once pressure stabilizes and is
no longer decreasing, Record value
5. Confirm value entered in User Setpoints -> PT1, #6-BASE VAC CHECK is +2 greater
than value recorded in step 4.
6. Open V6, V3, and Vapor Output Valve V11, (confirm vapor output line is connected
and is closed at tool)
7. Place Manual Mode in Secure Mode.
8. At Main Display, step to EXTERNAL FILL Menu and enter Manual Mode. Select and
open V8, V10.
9. Place Manual Mode in Secure Mode.
10. Open Bubbler valves, VB1, VB2 and VB3.
11. Place in System Venturi Vacuum Purge overnight, or for 4-12 hrs.
____________Start Time ___________End Time
12. Cancel out of CHEM ON and EXTERNAL FILL Manual Modes.
13. Close Bubbler valves, VB1, VB2 and VB3.
4.11 Install Bubbler Chiller Connections
1. Connect Chiller Connections to the outer coolant jacket