Chapter 4 - 38 Liter Bubbler Installation
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4. Open Bubbler valve VB1 and VB2.
5. Go to Main Menu -> CHEM On and select Manual Mode.
6. Open V4, V1, V9, V6, and V2.
7. Wait 30 minutes.
8. From the Main Menu, enter Config Menu -> System Test -> Test Analog In. Record
values of PT1, Gross and Raw.
____________PSIG ___________
9. Close V1.
10. Place Manual Mode in Secure Mode.
11. Wait 2 hours.
12. Return to System Test -> Test Analog In. Compare PT1 pressure from values
recorded in step 8 above. Confirm change in pressure (Pressure decay) is less than
1psig, 0.2mA.
____________PSIG ___________mA
Note, if pressure drop is greater than specified, troubleshoot until pressure decay
meets this specification.
13. Cancel out of Manual Mode.
Leak Test
– External Refill Line -> Pressure Decay
1. Confirm/Close MV1, MV10, MV15.
2. Confirm External Refill line is connected to a BCD-200/CG310 and has been leak
tested and certified.
3. V2 is locked out in manual mode so connect pneumatic airline from V3. Remove
airline from V3 and insert to pneumatic fitting of V2.
4. Go to Main Menu -> EXT Fill and select Manual Mode.
5. Open V8, V10.
6. Place Manual Mode in Secure Mode.
7. Go to Main Menu -> CHEM On and select Manual Mode.
8. Open V4, V1, V6 and V3 (which now opens V2).
9. Place Manual Mode in Secure Mode.
10. Wait 15 minutes and then close V1.
11. Place Manual Mode in Secure Mode.
12. Wait 15 minutes.