Chapter 3 - Installation
Revision 0
Chemical Equipment
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Figure 3-8: Tool 1- 4 DB25 Connectors
3.9 Start-up and Initialization
Turing On System Power
1. Apply AC power to the Controller.
2. Place power switch, (1) for single power supply or (2) for dual power supp ly located
above power supplies inside controller to the ON position. Verify power LED lit,
Refer to Figure 3-4.
3. Verify power is on to the CG. The CG Display will light and go to boot-up display.
4. Acknowledge any alarms and log into the main menu to verify the Display is
working properly
ChemGuard® Display
The ChemGuard® has a color VGA LED screen on the front face of the cabinet that
shows a graphical display of the Bulk and Process reservoir, shutdown and fault alarm
boxes. The system screen allows the operator to easily understand the operation and to
quickly identify operating status. The chemical flow path is indicated by an animated
dashed line and controller status is displayed in the middle of the top of the screen.
Conforming to ISA standards, open valves are shown in red and closed valves are shown
in green, refer to figure 3-10.