NC not ready.
Mode group not ready, also effective for single axes.
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
NC Stop on alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. The entries for the indices for the machine axes used in the
channels must be contiguous in table MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED. Channel axis gaps must be enabled
Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
Configure MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED so that axes are assigned to channels without any gaps. This
means that, as the channel axis index increases, a machine axis must be assigned to each channel until a zero is entered
for the first time (no machine axis). A 0 then also has to be entered for all higher indices in the MD.
The order of the machine axis numbers is irrelevant.
Switch control OFF - ON.
[Channel %1: ] Machine data %2[%3] assigns an axis not defined in channel
%1 = Channel number
%2 = String: MD identifier
%3 = Index: MD array index
Only axes that have been activated in the channel by MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED [kx]=m may be declared
as geometry axes, transformation axes or orientation axes in MD20050 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB [gx]=k.
This also applies to MD22420 $MC_FGROUP_DEFAULT_AXES (gx: Geometry axis index, kx: Channel axis index, k:
Channel axis no., m: Machine axis no.).
Assignment of geometry axes to channel axes
MD20050 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB (includes channel axis no. k):
- Geometry axis index: 0, 1st channel: 1, 2nd channel: 1
- Geometry axis index: 1, 1st channel: 2, 2nd channel: 0
- Geometry axis index: 2, 1st channel: 3, 2nd channel: 3
MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED (includes machine axis no. m):
- Channel axis index: 0, 1st channel: 1, 2nd channel: 4
- Channel axis index: 1, 1st channel: 2, 2nd channel: 5
- Channel axis index: 2, 1st channel: 3, 2nd channel: 6
- Channel axis index: 3, 1st channel: 7, 2nd channel: 0
- Channel axis index: 4, 1st channel: 8, 2nd channel: 0
- Channel axis index: 5, 1st channel: 0, 2nd channel: 0
- Channel axis index: 6, 1st channel: 0, 2nd channel: 0
- Channel axis index: 7, 1st channel: 0, 2nd channel: 0
Only axes activated in the channel by MD20070 $MC_AXCONF_MACHAX_USED [kx]=m may be declared as geometry
axes in MD20050 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB [gx]=k.
gx ... Geometry axis index k ... Channel axis no.
kx ... Channel axis index m ... Machine axis no.
NC not ready.
Mode group not ready, also effective for single axes.
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
NC Stop on alarm.
5.2 NCK alarms
Diagnostics Manual
Diagnostics Manual, 06/2015, 6FC5398-6DP10-0BA2