Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
There are 3 possible causes of error:
1. The value entered in MD34030 $MA_REFP_MAX_CAM_DIST is too small.
Determine the maximum possible distance from the beginning of reference motion up to the reduction cam and compare
with the value in MD34030 $MA_REFP_MAX_CAM_DIST, increase the value in the MD if necessary.
2. The cam signal is not received by the PLC input module.
Operate the reference point switch manually and check the input signal on the NC/PLC interface (route: Switch! Connector!
Cable! PLC input! User program).
3. The reference point switch is not operated by the cam.
Check the vertical distance between reduction cam and activating switch.
Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program
[Channel %1: ] Axis %2 no cam signal present
%1 = Channel number
%2 = Axis name, spindle number
At the beginning of phase 2 of reference point approach, the signal from the reduction cam is no longer available.
Phase 2 of reference point approach begins when the axis remains stationary after deceleration to the reduction cam. The
axis then starts in the opposite direction in order to select the next zero marker of the measuring system on leaving the
reduction cam or approaching it again (negative/positive edge).
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
NC Stop on alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. Check whether the deceleration path after the approach
velocity is greater than the distance to the reference point cam - in which case the axis cannot stop until it is beyond the
cam. Use a longer cam or reduce the approach velocity in MD34020 $MA_REFP_VELO_SEARCH_CAM.
When the axis has stopped at the cam, it must be checked whether the signal DB380x DBX1000.7 (Deceleration reference
point approach) is still available at the interface to the NCK.
- Hardware: Wire break? Short circuit?
- Software: User program?
Clear alarm with the RESET key. Restart part program
[Channel %1: ] Axis %2 zero mark not found
%1 = Channel number
%2 = Axis name, spindle number
The hardware zero mark of the incremental position encoder or the substitute zero mark of the absolute position encoder
is not within a defined section.
Phase 2 of the reference point approach ends when the zero mark of the encoder has been detected after the rising/falling
edge of the NC/PLC interface signal DB380x DBX1000.7 (Deceleration reference point approach) has given the trigger
start. The maximum distance between the trigger start and the zero mark that follows is defined in the MD34060
The monitor prevents a zero mark signal from being overtraveled and the next being evaluated as reference point signal.
(Faulty cam adjustment or excessive delay by the PLC user program).
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
NC Stop on alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
Check the cam adjustment and make sure that the distance is sufficient between the end of the cam and the zero marker
signal that follows. The path must be greater than the axis can cover in the PLC cycle time.
Increase the MD34060 $MA_REFP_MAX_MARKER_DIST, but do not select a value greater than the distance between
the 2 zero markers. This might result in the monitor being switched off.
5.2 NCK alarms
Diagnostics Manual
Diagnostics Manual, 06/2015, 6FC5398-6DP10-0BA2