Parameter Assignment
With the parameter assignment you define which IM 152 user data will be monitored. For the
time stamping these are digital inputs that are monitoring for signal changes.
Time stamping
● disabled
● enabled
Activate the time staming for the
channels of the electronics module 8
Edge evaluation incom‐
ing event
● rising edge
● falling edge
Determine the type of signal change
that will be time-stamped.
Time stamps accurate to 20 ms
The time stamping of binary signal changes is supported in the PCS 7 system by all hardware
and software components: from the ET 200iSP over the S7-400 right to the OS.
● Set a synchronization interval of 20 ms for the master and ET 200iSP.
● For time stamping, you require the 8 DI NAMUR electronics module with the "8DI NAMUR"
configuration. Time stamping is not possible with any other configuration of the 8DI NAMUR
electronics module.
How time stamping works
You can configure the monitoring of digital inputs for signal changes in HW Config. The
following can be monitored: "Signal entering/leaving state" (as "rising or falling edge"). The IM
152 stamps these changed input signals with the current time of day and saves them as
message lists. A message list is a data record with a maximum of 20 messages about time-
stamped signal changes. The IM 152 can store up to 15 data records.
After a certain time and if messages exist or when a data record is full, the IM 152 triggers a
hardware interrupt on the DP master (S7-400). The CPU then reads the data record and passes
on the message lists to WinCC on an OS using the driver block FB90 "IM_DRV".
Configuration options
3.15 Time stamping
ET 200iSP
Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E00247483-07