Example: If there are three items of channel-related diagnostic information, the interrupt
section starts at byte 34.
If an interrupt occurs, the channel-specific diagnostic information is shortened to allow space
for the interrupt information.
The content of the interrupt function depends on the interrupt type:
With diagnostic interrupts, a 4-byte interrupt header and up to 44 bytes of additional interrupt
information (diagnostic data record 1) are sent for SIMATIC S7.
With hardware interrupts, the length consists of a 4-byte interrupt header and 4 bytes of
additional interrupt information.
For remove/insert interrupts, the length consists of 4 bytes of interrupt header and 5 bytes of
supplementary interrupt information.
For update interrupts, the length consists of 4 bytes of interrupt header and 2 bytes of
supplementary interrupt information.
The following pages describe the significance of these bytes.
Commissioning and Diagnostics
6.8 Diagnostics with STEP 7
ET 200iSP
Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E00247483-07