The PIN code must be used after card or fingerprint when
accessing. It cannot be used independently. It should contain
4 to 8 digits.
Super User
If the person is set as a super user, he/she will have
authorization to access all the doors/floors and will be
exempted from remaining closed restrictions, all anti-
passback rules, and first person authorization.
Extended Door Open Time
When the person accessing door, grant this person more
time to pass through doors which have been configured with
extended open duration. Use this function for the persons
with reduced mobility.
For details about setting the door's open duration, refer to
Configure Parameters for Door/Elevator.
Add to Blacklist
Add the person to the blacklist and when the person tries to
access doors/floors, an event will be triggered and send to
the client to notify the security personnel.
Mark as Visitor
If the person is a visitor, set the maximum times of
authentications, including access by card and fingerprint to
limit the visitor's access times.
The maximum times of authentications should be between 1
and 100.
Device Operator
For person with device operator role, he/she is authorized to
operate on the access control devices.
The Super User, Extended Door Open Time, Add to Blacklist,
and Mark as Visitor functions cannot be enabled concurrently.
For example, if one person is set as super user, you cannot
enable extended door open time for her/him, add her/him to
the blacklist, or set her/him as visitor.
4. Confirm to add the person.
Click Add to add the person and close the Add Person
Click Add and New to add the person and continue to add
other persons.
7.2.10 Customize Person Information
You can customize the person properties which are not pre-
defined in the client according to actual needs, e.g., place of
birth. After customizing, when add a person, you can enter the
custom information to make the person information complete.
1. Enter Person module.
2. Set the fields of custom information.
1) Click Custom Property.
2) Click Add to add a new property.