NFC Anti-Cloning
Enable the function and you cannot
use the cloned card for
Door Contact
You can select "Open (Remain
Open)" or "Close (Remian Closed)"
according to your actual needs. By
default, it is Close (Remian Closed).
When enabling the anti-passback
function, you should set the anti-
password path in the client
software. The person should
authenticate according to the
configured path. Or the
authentication will be failed.
Door Locked
Set the door unlocking duration. If
the door is not opened for the set
time, the door will be locked.
Available door locked time range: 1
to 255s.
Door Open
Timeout Alarm
The alarm can be triggered if the
door has not been closed. Available
range: 0 to 255s.
Failed Auth.
When you enable the function, you
can set the maximum
authentication times. If you failed to
authenticate for the set times, the
alarm will be triggered.
6.11 Maintenance
6.11.1 Upgrade Firmware
Plug in the USB flash drive. Tap Maint. (Maintenance) on the
System Settings page and tap Upgrade. The device will
automatically read the upgrading file in the USB flash drive and
upgrade the firmware.
• Do not power off during the device upgrade.
• The upgrading file should be in the root directory.
• The upgrading file name should be digicap.dav.