Chapter 4, Safety and Patient Care Precautions
P/N 120745-IE, Manual revision: AA
Cell Saver
User Manual
the time the line sensor detects RBCs, the bowl is fully packed, and some
RBCs may be pushed to the waste bag when the device enters the Wash
phase. In the unlikely event that the RBC layer passes the line sensor during
the line sensor blind volume, the device will not enter the Wash phase.
To avoid overfilling the bowl in either scenario, follow the steps below:
1. Before restarting the Fill phase or entering the Concentrate phase,
identify the location of the RBC layer.
2. If the RBC layer is close
to the bowl optics beam, touch
manually enter the Wash phase. Do not restart the Fill phase or enter the
Concentrate phase.
Following the above steps prevents the bowl from becoming fully packed and
spilling RBCs into the waste bag.
Note: Because the device will enter the Wash phase before the optics senses
the RBC layer, the hematocrit of the final RBC product may be lower than when
the optics trips the device into the Wash phase.
Managing the
Inventory of Air
The disposable bowl as received from the factory is full of sterile air. During
each fill cycle, this sterile air is expelled into the waste bag while the bowl is
filling and is returned from the waste bag while the bowl is emptying. It is
important to permit the sterile air to return to the bowl from the waste bag to
avoid creating a negative pressure in the bowl as it is emptying.
A full waste bag should be changed or emptied only when the bowl
is emptied of blood (and filled with air). The waste bag may be partially emptied
through the drainage port at any time as long as the fluid level in the bag does
not fall below the 1L mark on the waste bag.
• 6 mm (125 mL or 225 mL bowl)
• 3 mm (70 mL bowl)